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About us

Changshu Wengu Logistics Equipment is located in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province. It has been in-depth supermarket equipment, logistics transportation equipment for more than ten years, the product lines are mainly supermarket shopping equipment, logistics transportation equipment, and integrates supermarket shelves, warehouse storage racking and related peripheral industries Solve all your needs in one step.

The supermarket shopping equipment product line involves all fields of shopping equipment: conventional styles such as reinforced chassis shopping trolleys and round tube chassis shopping carts, and has specialized fields, such as: plastic basket carts, wheelchair carts, children's carts, and elderly carts. Plastic baskets, trolley baskets, trailer baskets, etc. used in small and medium shops.

Logistics transportation equipment products are mainly logistics trolleys, and customized logistics trolley, which can be modified according to your storage conditions and size of transportation trucks. We can also design new roll cage for your products and usage conditions.

Better Products, Better Service!


Contact: Allan Zhou

Phone: 18261666204


Email: allan@wgtrolley.com

Whatsapp: 008618261666204

Add: Shanghu Town, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China

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